People try to figure out a magical diet that will somehow insure health and cure all diseases….anyone that makes such a claim is totally ignorant. There is no magical diet . Yes, we need to eat a balanced, healthy diet. Yes, we should do our best to avoid certain foods and to eat organic etc. etc. But it is not diet that heals. It is Almighty G-d. In fact, if you watch videos of people who healed through plant based diets etc. many of them said they turned to prayer and trusted in G-d….because that is the truth. That is hte key to healing. Humility, gratefulness, thanking G-d….all of that improves health and the immune system.

so of course eat well, do your best in whatever you know and can do, but always remember there is no one diet that is a cure all for everyone. Each person is different. Each person’s genetics, constitution, lifestyle, stresses and environment is different. Everything affects health.

But we do know that the more optimistic and happy a person is, the more they feel healthy. Joy strengthens our immunity.

the more grateful and appreciative a person is, the more they feel healthy. Gratitude is good for the immune system. In Hebrew, Hod is the attribute of gratitude and praising G-d. The more we show gratitude we strengthen our immune system.

the more humble a person is, and the more connected to G-d and a sense of purpose in life, the more a person is healthy.

So dont try to research the perfect diet….dig deep into yourself. see what subconscious blocks you may have to health. see what needs improving in your life spiritually, emotionally, in your relationships, in your deeds and thoughts, and also adopt a healthier diet, some excercise and so on. But the main thing is tranquility of spirit, humility, joy and a good positive attitude in life. L’chaim to all!